The Weekly Bookmark April 26, 1996 - Vol 2, No. 21 __________________________________________________________ Table of Contents On My End - Note from the Editor Supporters of the Weekly Bookmark Out There - Places to Visit Weekly Bookmark Information Meet The Staff - Contact Info __________________________________________________________ On My End Matt Alberts We're late, like usual. Work is hectic for me, and the issue's are much easier to send out on Friday's right now. Only two more weeks and work dies down. Marian is dilligently working to get her article done, but due to a hard drive failure she had this past week, who knows if it even electronically exists. I think I have found a topic to write on. I will be putting together a comparison of search engines together. I saw the one in the last issue of _Internet World_, but I wasn't happy with the engines that were chosen and the method they were tested. If anyone has any comments on the article or this topic, please forward them to me. WBAds, I believe will be changing it's format soon and maybe take on a new name. Who knows? A couple of social gatherings this weekend will push everything back AGAIN!? While I'm tortured, enjoy this issue of the Weekly Bookmark. __________________________________________________________ Supporters Imaginary Landscape Hand Woven Web Sites It All Begins With Your Ideas __________________________________________________________ Out There Art, Humanities, and Music The Artists' Resource The Artists' Resource is devoted to art and artists marketing work on the Internet. The site provides a venue for displaying fine art and commercial portfolios and hosts a searchable directory of artists and art-related sites worldwide. URL: This site is ? Submitted By: William L. Adams II Caden za Web Site Cadenza is a group of enthusiastic singers who come to sing and enjoy it! They regularly perform a wide variety of music form Byrd to the Beatles. The choir is mixed voice and based in Edinburgh, Scotland. This site is ? Submitted By: Steven Dalgleish Media Centre of the Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal The Media Centre of the Musee d'art contemporain de Montreal Web Site offers bilingual French/English information about all areas of contemporary art and culture. The Site encompass two main sections. The first is about the Media Centre itself: information on the collection, staff and services - as well as artists' biobibliographies, specialized thematic bibliographies and texts, all resulting from research conducted by the Media Centre team. The second section is a directory of the resources in contemporary art and culture available on the Internet. This directory is organized thematically, and follows subject listings that are easy to consult. It already includes more than 1,000 links. There are various themes: museums, galleries, artists, media, works, exhibitions, organizations, conferences, information sciences, specialized site directories, research tools, etc. URL: This site is ? Submitted By: Alain Depocas Alternative Music Links This site has some of the greatest alternative music links. Great bands and home pages. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Chris Miller Lloyd C. Bird Drama Online This site has some great theatre links, news, and the Quote of the Week. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Chris Miller IMPACT guide to beyond the West End The IMPACT Guide to Beyond the West End is an online zine with London fringe event listings for all arts lovers - drama, theatre, music, even children's events. The comprehensive database of fringe venues and events is complemented by reviews, previews and editorial. IMPACT is published online in The Frame (, the online service for media and creative professionals. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Deborah Loth Government and Politics Whitewater Archives A large collection of documents on the various Whitewater scandals, particularly regarding the death of Vince Foster, i.e., Fiske Report - Summary -Congressional Record, June 30, 1994 Grand jury probes Foster death - Accuracy in Media (Media Monitor) White House aide was murdered, say experts Gingrich enters Foster 'suicide' row - by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard Pathologist, FBI go way back - by Christopher Ruddy About "60 Minutes" Story on Foster's Death URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Liz Tompkins Entertainment Tim Potter's Homepage Visit this page and meet a clown, a numerical analyst, a nun and lots of Tim Potters. See the best TV and the worst, listen to some great radio, find out about some terrific books, write a beautiful love letter, laugh yourself silly with some great jokes, read a great newspaper, and do a couple of crossword puzzles along the way. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Tim Potter Monday Morning Briefs Monday Morning Briefs is a weekly humor column of concise descriptive TRUE accounts of REAL people. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Diana Stoneberg Internet and the WWW Netminder Free Service Homepage If you want to be informed each time any thing in your favourite sites change, you have to subscribe to this page. This is an automatic reminder which sends you an E-mail message when the site you are interested in changes and new items are added. Imagine how easy it would be to receive a reminder about the change instead of checking the site regularly, or forgetting about it entirely. URL: This site is ? Submitted By: Rama Fayaz Stephen Coles' Web Site This Web site contains a Sound Library and tells you how to produce your own homepage among other things. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Stephen Coles Recreation and Sports Brighton Area Road Striders The Brighton Area Road Striders are a group of runners in SE Michigan. This page has a very complete Michigan (and nearby out-of-state) race calendar, some race reports, info on other Michigan running clubs, and links to other internet resources of interest to runners. The page is updated frequently. We have runners of all abilities in the group and have an open invitation for all to join us at our Wednesday night group run. See the home page for more information. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Robert A. Smith Tan Wee Cheng's Mad Rush Through Eastern Europe & Turkey An account of Tan Wee Cheng's journey through Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria & Turkey in 1995. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 1.1 or higher. Submitted By: Tan Wee Cheng Society and Culture Women's Wire Hip and informative online magazine covering careers, personal finance, technology, beauty, female health, fitness, fashion, shopping, and more. Daily news, expert advice, good laughs and great links. URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Sandy Jane Wong Pink Triangle Web Site The Pink Triangle Web Site is home to news & information for and about Arizona's LGBT community. Gay Business Resources, HIV/AIDS Resource for Phoenix. Gay History & Links to GLBT Web Pages. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Martyn Harris In Touch, a magazine of people and possibilities In Touch seeks to connect people and explore possibilities in a rich exchange of vital information about health, ecology, personal growth, professional development, creativity, and wellness. With uplifting articles, a "daily inspirational page, heart to heart stories, random acts of kindness with Oprah Winfrey, horoscopes, a fun page, angel columsn, exclusive celebrity interviews, feel good film reviews and much much more. URL: This site is is best viewed with Netscape 2.0 or higher. Submitted By: Veronica Hay Gospelgate Christian Ministries Original poetic Christian prayers plus MIDI music hymns plus conversion to Christianity right now! URL: This site is can be viewed with any browser. Submitted By: Bill McGinnis _________________________________________________________________ Weekly Bookmark Information The Weekly Bookmark Hompage: The Weekly Bookmark Archives: The Weekly Bookmark Index: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via WWW form: Subscribe/Unsubscribe via E-mail: Include ONLY the following in the BODY Subscribe WeeklyB or Unsubscribe WeeklyB. Submit a Site: Send Feedback: _________________________________________________________________ Meet The Staff Editor - Matt Alberts Assistant Editor - Holly Drake Webmaster - Matt Alberts Writer Marian Hank Submitters Ted Nellen Marian Hank Want to help? Read our Help Wanted section. _________________________________________________________________ (C) Copyright 1996 by Matt Alberts - All Right Reserved Comments? Ideas? Send mail to